While many individuals spend years searching for their calling, Adam was interested in finance from early on. This interest was inspired by his grandfather, who worked at a printing press and served on the board of the local credit union. Growing up, Adam admired how people would go up to his grandfather and thank him for helping them purchase their first house or get a loan for a car. Adam knew he wanted to help people the way his grandfather did and even relied on his guidance when first starting his financial career.
Born in Kingston, Tennessee, Adam resides in Chattanooga. When he’s not spending time with his two children, Brady and Olivia, Adam can be found golfing or snow skiing. An admirer of the gorgeous Tennessee nature, he also relishes the opportunity to spend a day out on the lake. Adam believes in giving back to his community and is proud to volunteer at Normal Park School and to provide financial counseling at the Austin Hatcher Foundation.